I have received several orders for 'A Black and White Tale' from outside the United States. The shipping costs stated earlier will not cover international shipping. Please request a quote for shipping to you by first class mail. I do hope this will not prevent your placing an order! I appreciate all of the friends I have met through the various on-line groups to which I belong and will be more than delighted to provide you with copies of 'A Black and White Tale'.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Friday, March 25, 2011

'A Black and White Tale' is here!
It has been five years since Ann Fahl and I began this project but at last it has come to fruition. Today I received a box containing copies of our book and am ready to accept orders from my friends.
The book is 8.5 x 5.5 inches, soft cover, includes 34 quilts, in glossy full color, perfect bound with 48 pages. The book is $17.95 plus $3.50 for shipping. Free shipping on orders of 2 or more. Checks and Paypal accepted.
Email me at Quiltmuse@vermontel.net to place an order, indicating payment method and giving your mailing address.
Looking forward to hearing from you!
Labels: black and white tale, book