Monday, February 27, 2006

Ideas are Everywhere!

I let one of our cats out yesterday while it was snowing and noticed the pattern that the snow had made in the street.

Of course I went for the camera... Not sure what I can do with this but I found it interesting. The circulatory system of an alien being? The street plan of a medieval village? Merely scars in the asphalt?

Maybe I'll do some manipulations of proportion or color and print it on fabric as the base for something -- embroidery? beading? coloring in the spaces?

So many possibilities! Isn't it fun to speculate?

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Finally time to try to post some info and photos. I'll start with some photos I took at the opening reception for the 'It's Not Your Granny's Afghan Any More' fiber arts exhibit at the local galler, The Vault. I feel rather godmotherly toward this exhibit as I sowed the seed for it last summer when I complained about the lack of fiber art in the gallery and followed up by taking in some examples (including my collection of FiberATCs from swaps I had been in) and several issues of Quilting Arts. The gallery director was excited by all this and recruited a number of Vermont fiber artists for this exhibit. If this program will cooperate I'll post the photos. Wish me luck!

Okay -- it didn't work the way I would have liked but at least they are up!

From the top:

View from the front door with baskets by Kris Winnicki
L: Postcard announcing the exhibit; R: Knitted sheep's head by Kalie Tyne
L: Wallhangings byKelly MacLaury; R: Felted wool Wallhanging by Shelley Sas

And that is enough for today!