Wednesday, March 29, 2006

News -- such as it is

Some time since I wrote here but I finally have something to write about! First of all my Row Robin top arrived from my Just Quilting group and I really think it came out well. I started it with the row of sitting cats. I really like the row of bluebirds at the top -- so cheerful!

I have blocks to finish for another member's row robin and will be getting another one to add to The one I am working on now has a garden theme, the other a lake theme but I have no idea what blocks have already been done.

Then on Friday we got our new used car, a 1997 Toyota Camry four door sedan with a number of amenities we have never had before -- push button windows, a radio, air bags, air conditioning. We took it out for a drive on Sunday, going north above Montpelier and enjoying scenery. We wanted to do more driving on the secondary roads but their post-frost state made them uncomfortable riding! It was still a nice outing. and here is the car!

I really think that spring is on its way. It was quite warm and sunny today -- actually went out without a jacket! Saw some crocuses blooming down the street and the forsythia buds are beginning to get fat. Snow is gone but lawns are still brown. Reading reports sent to the Quilt Art list from warmer climes makes me anxious for things to get going here. Eventually...

Friday, March 17, 2006

Our five cats do lead comfortable lives! I found all of them cosily napping yesterday afternoon and grabbed my camera. From the top left they are Whitefoot (the friendliest one -- she even likes strangers!), Tigger (my special lap sitter) with Buffy (who is the only one who likes to go out all year round); Flecki (who likes petting but not being picked up or lap sitting) and T2 (the most self-sufficient of them all). I forget most of their ages but do know that Whitefoot is almost 12, Flecki and Tigger are the same age and Buffy is the youngest.

Like all cats they are individuals -- every one!

I am hopeful about spring -- nice day with temperatures up in the 50s -- then the next day it snows -- and then it is just cold with a bit of wind. It all adds up to typically changeable New England weather but considering what has been happening in other parts of the country I guess I shouldn't complain!

We had our St. Patrick's day orgy of a corned beef boiled dinner followed by Irish soda bread. No Irish that I know of in my ancestry and DH has German-Italian forebears -- but we do like the food!

I'm working on blocks for a Row Robin I'm in with my Just Quilting group. They are for one with a garden theme and looking at the blocks that have been made so far I noted that there were no insects. Now what is a garden without bugs? I'm only doing two ground based ones but also added three butterflies and a bird as they were also missing. Still a lot to do on them but eventually...

One of these days I will have no must-dos -- either from outside or self imposed -- and can get around to playing with some of the materials and toys I have been collecting. One of these days...