Monday, April 30, 2012


Ellen Anne Eddy has written a very flattering review of my book on her blog:

I hope you will read it -- I'm trying not to let it go to my head but it's not easy!

Sunday, April 22, 2012


I got notice that Smashwords has approved my book, Quiltverse Volume One, for Premium Status which means that it will be available through a number of other outlets including Apple and Barnes and Noble. Amazon is not yet included though it is possible to download my book in Kindle's format.

As those of you who write books know, the author makes more profit by direct sales -- which is essentially what happens when orders are placed through Smashwords:

However you decide to buy my book, I hope you enjoy it.  And you might find it suitable as a Mother's Day gift -- to give or to receive.  Gift certificates are available at the Smashwords page.
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Monday, April 09, 2012


After requests by number of my readers, considerable research and overcoming my natural tendency to procrastination I have finally published a number of my quilty verses as an e-book, Quiltverses Volume One. It can be sampled (free) and bought (a mere $4.99) at

It can be downloaded in a variety of formats so the verses can be read on any e-reader or computer.

I found that I have written so many verses over the years that I will be publishing three more volumes!

While Volume One contains verses dealing with quilting in general, Volume Two will have verses about family, friends, pets and being on the Internet. Volume Three will be the remaining quilt related verses while Volume Four will cover holidays, shows and being out and about. Each volume will contain about 35-45 or more verses.

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